Code Java

A compiler made in .NET for java ! Its the old fashioned way.

You wanna learn java.. ok well..
1. Open notepad, type in some code which appears all black and ugly in the notepad.
2. Save it using a ".java" extension.
3. Open command prompt, type in "javac" and compile it.
4. Then type in the "java" command to run the generated class file or jar file.

Forget all this! Welcome to Code Java,
This application does it all automatically for you with just a few clicks.
This application displays the errors in a neat tabular form.
Click on the error and it will take you to the specific line in the code editor.

Note: This application does use the original java.exe and javac.exe to perform compile and execution of java code,
But don't worry this app comes along with those files and you dont need to install it separately.(Hence the big size of the application.

    Code Java v1.0 (with jdk and jre)
    Code Java v1.0 (without jdk and jre)

Note: versions without jdk and jre requires that you have boh of them already installed and have set the Envirenment Variables, other wise this application will not work.

Important: Requires .NET framework v4 to work

Version 1.0
Syntax and keyword highlighting Text Editor.
Auto save feature.
Real time error detection.
Pack file into jar and execute.
Goto error line when clicked on it.

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